
Backpacking Trips


I love backpacking trips, it’s a great feeling copying snails and setting off on an adventure with everything you need in a bag on your back. This type of trip tends to be more sociable than my cycle trips and I often end up travelling with various people from all over the world. Also on cycle trips I tend to have a schedule whereas while backpacking time is less important and I hop from one place to the next staying until I have seen everything and get bored.


So Far I’ve done 4 backpacking trips of significant length:


Alaska to Argentina

South America - (173)

3 years travelling from Alaska to Argentina

South East Asia

South East Asia - (200)

6 months travelling around exploring the sites of a beautiful and culturally diverse part of the world


West Africa

West Africa - (305)

6 months travelling through Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, The Gambia and Senegal

West Middle East

1. Jordan Highlights (95)

2½ months traveling around Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Cyprus



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