My Films
The intro to my Youtube channel for a quick glance at what I do
In the spring of 2013 (around the time I travelled to Tunisia) I started teaching myself to make films which has now blossomed into a huge passion as I currently make films for my Corn Flakes mission, The Modern Explorers and have even earned some money making films for a holiday company. On this page you will find most of the films I have made since the spring of 2013.
In 2014 I was invited to become one of the shows on a popular travel video website with a whole host of other film-maker travellers
The Corn Flakes in *** Series
My latest release
Corn Flakes in Namibia – detailing my 2½ weeks driving around this great country and a film that marked my 2 year anniversary of making films
Previous Films
Corn Flakes in Lesotho – a short film for a small country with some cool footage of the longest abseil in the world
Corn Flakes in Palestine – about my 4 days driving around the West Bank in February 2014
Corn Flakes in Jordan – from my trip in January 2014 – includes Petra and Wadi Rum
Corn Flakes in Malta – about 5 weeks filming temples and camping on Malta and Gozo
Corn Flakes in Andorra – a short film documenting country 71
Corn Flakes in Catalunya – a short film documenting country 70
Films about places I visited
The reasons for making the films vary
A promotional film I made for an orphanage in Bloemfontein, South Africa
A video I made for a camp in Jordan in exchange for 10 days worth of food and lodging
Older Films
There are 3 from the footage I took from my 2007 trip cycling from Greece to Croatia and some others made in the early days of teaching myself to video and edit
From my Greece Trip
I made these with my mate Jay who lent me his camera
I edited this one in 2014 from old footage
Me eating flakes in Croatia
Films Made During the Learning Process
Made on my trip to Tunisia
about me getting “The Corn Flake Traveller” tattoo’d on my arm in arabic
I made this when I went to an important football match with an old friend
This was a bike ride I went on with a mate on my birthday 2013
For the Modern Explorers
Our Latest Release
To help out friends I made in South Africa wanting to promote an alternative currency
Megalithic Sites
About a trip through the pyrennes videoing a ton of megaliths
Save the Dolmen – from my trip to the middle east about fields of dolmen in danger of being destroyed
about standing stone we visited on our roadtrip around southern france
about some stone circles we visited on the trip in Southern France
A cool dolmen we went to in France
Mysterious Sites
We found a strange site in the Alps with rock balls coming out the ground
A film about an ancient site on the island of Cyprus
Pyram1da ora Hilla – some suspiciously shaped hills in Italy
Part 2 – some more suspiciously shaped hills in Italy
Part 3 – even more suspiciously shaped hills in Italy
Eco-friendly Projects
A film about an eco-friendly village we volunteered at in Malta
We stayed at a great permaculture project in South Africa
A cool inner-city eco-friendly project in Johannesburg
For Headwater
This was the first time I have been paid to travel, great holidays although way over the budget I’m used to.
A film about a cycling holiday in Catalunya
A film about a walking holiday in Brittany